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Utrecht Manifest
2nd Biennale for Social Design
24 Nov 2007 – 11 Feb 2008
Centraal Museum Utrecht
more about lectures, discussions,...
photo: Mieke Gerritzen

The Development of an Universal Language and "How does the call for sustainability affect the development of the design disciplines?"

Sustainability Dilemma 28 Nov 07
Speakers from architecture, design, chemistry,.. investigate at this symposium the latest developments in the field of design through a socially engaged prism.

Lovely Language 24 Nov 07 – 11 Feb 08
In the 1920s Austrian sociologist Otto Neurath (1882–1945) developed an international visual language. German-Dutch graphic artist Gerd Arntz (1900–1988) designed more than 4,000 pictograms; such as the man and woman on toilet doors we know from everywhere. The work of Neurath and Arntz was the basis for the development of an international visual language. Artworks by Mieke Gerritzen, Koert van Mensvoort, the British-Finnish artist Charles Sandison,... are exhibited.
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