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'Vienna's shooting girls' the title of the upcoming exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Vienna (23 October 2012 - 3 March 2013) about 30 Jewish women who decided in the early 20th century to work as photographers.

The curators throw a new light on this female art movement in Vienna and researches the women's motivations and the reasons for choosing this profession. The exhibition tells the story of women's lifestyle in the first half of the 20th century and the rapid changes caused by the political situation in Austria.

It is announced that the exhibition will provide insights into the women's work spaces in Vienna and follows them to the exile in other countries where 'Vienna's shooting girls' continued to explore the medium photography - such as Trude Fleischmann who experimented not only with new photo techniques, but changed the common esthetical view on women.

fig.: 'Dolly Haas als Scampolo' by Trude Fleischmann, ca. 1932. Silbergelatinepapier, 11,2 x 8,1cm, from the studio album of the photographer. Owner: Photoinstitut Bonartes.

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