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Photographer Sven Marquardt's images of the Berlin scene at the New York fashion store of Liebeskind

In late August 2014, Berlin headquartered fashion label Liebeskind sent the information about the upcoming exhibition of Berlin insights by photographer Sven Marquardt on occasion of the fashion fair Coterie in New York. The exhibition 'Photographs Berlin by Sven Marquardt' with images of the city and its inhabitants over the period of three decades will be on view from 15 September until 31 October 2014 at the Liebeskind Berlin store in Soho, New York.

Sven Marquardt (on view on the image right) is a Berlin original. His life can be divided into before and after the fall of the wall. Before the wall fall, Marquardt worked as photographer and made documentaries of the DDR (East Germany) subculture as well as fashion photos for magazines. After the fall of the wall, he became bouncer in a club and continued his photo work after some years. Today he is combining both: he works at the electronic music club Berghain and depicts the Berlin scene with images such as the one on this page (below) which can be described as glam paparazzi-authentic style with decadent fashion-fetish touch.

Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle contributed Sven Marquardt an extensive (English language) portrait; the Berlin original Marquardt speaks about living as punk, punk music and working as fashion photographer in East Germany, his tattoos and piercings, the electronic music club Berghain and why he likes the quiet of cemeteries. The video can be watched on YouTube.

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