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Generated on 12 September 2015.
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Grey metallic motorsports jacket and petrol-grey-aubergine flower lingerie ...are currently theme at Intimissimi. The Italian label presents various trends at its Stylebook...

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Sam Smith is one of the winners of the GQ Men Of The Year Awards The list of this year's winners from sports, entertainment, politics or design include...
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Wisdom vs. Gamesmanship Fashionoffice's Karin Sawetz. "Is it better to apply short-sighted slyness to find solutions for social problems and earn a quick and loud HURRA...?"

Trailer with Marina Abramovic for the Givenchy SS16 performance during New York Fashion Week For one season only, Givenchy will premiere a collection not in Paris...

Social changes as motor for the creation of art and design the turn of the 19/20th century and similar movements today are in the focus of the MKG Hamburg exhibition...

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