Visual Effects Designer
in:flux digital
los angeles, CA 90066

Can you give us an example of what can be achieved in a cloth simulation scene?

Think of Marilyn Monroe's dress in the famous scene in "seven year
itch": if you look at the actual scene in the movie you will notice that
the dress is not behaving very elegantly - rather clumsy (of course the
shot's focus is not the dress but marilyn's legs...). With animated virtual cloth you could give the dress a far more exciting motion - undulating and draping in a very dramatic way around her body.

In the movie "Spawn" the hero 's digitally created cape - Spawn is a kind of crossover between "Batman" and "Blade" - becomes almost a character itself. In one scene Spawn jumps through the glass ceiling of a gigantic dance hall - his red cape almost filling the whole room undulating like a giant red sail. These types of effects can only be achieved with simulated cloth.

Some recently released films feature very realistic cloth simulation: "Hollow Man", "Final Fantasy", "Stuart Little" to name just a few....

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